CRU - RAW travels to Tribeca Film Festival

My short film CRU (Raw) will have its New York Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival!

Out of over 6’000 submissions CRU is selected for the short film programme WITHOUT BORDERS. The film was produced at Zurich University of the Arts.

More press on Indiewire, Deadline or the official website.

Malika Khatir Jeanne Werner Cru Raw David Oesch

Due to the current pandemic CRU - RAW can be seen for a limited time at the WE ARE ONE - A Global Filmfestival on Youtube. A initiative by festivals such as Cannes, Berlinale, Sundance or Venice Film Festival initiated by Tribeca Enterprises.

TOTE TIERE - Dead Animals wins at Bogoshorts

Our short DEAD ANIMALS (Tote Tiere) won at Bogotá Short Film Festival / Festival de Cortos de Bogotá - BOGOSHORTS, thank you so much to the beautiful organization of the festival and to the jury.

Dead Animals - TOTE TIERE  the story of a loner who resurrects his dead cat with the help of a mysterious taxidermist - won over 15 prices and toured over 50 festivals all over the world. It will premiere online on Director’s Notes on the 14th April after a long festival run.

DEAD ANIMALS by David Oesch (photo) & Remo Rickenbacher wins the award for Best Short Film of the FANÁTICO FREAK FANTÁSTICO competition

DEAD ANIMALS by David Oesch (photo) & Remo Rickenbacher wins the award for Best Short Film of the FANÁTICO FREAK FANTÁSTICO competition

HR OF UGAGO: World Premiere in Warsaw

Our short film Human Resources of Ugago celebrated it’s world premiere at the prestigious Warsaw International Film Festival within the international oscar-qualifying Competition.

The film was the first collaboration between Zurich Unversity of the Arts and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Hold together by the amazing VFX-artistry of Robin Disch and Valentin Huber.

The film is starring Sebastian Krähenbühl as the only non-CGI actor. All the robots are played by actress Denise Hasler in a Mo-Cap suit. Voice Actors: Alex Freeman and Lea Whitcher. Poster by the Artist

The film is starring Sebastian Krähenbühl as the only non-CGI actor. All the robots are played by actress Denise Hasler in a Mo-Cap suit. Voice Actors: Alex Freeman and Lea Whitcher. Poster:

2019 - Three New Shorts

Grateful to end my studies in Bachelor of Film at University of Arts Zurich with three very diverse short films in three different languages. They are all in festival evaluation. Please contact me personally for screeners.

Human Resources of Ugago: Welcome to Ugago! An office designed to inspire innovation and a sense of community where you will meet motivated A.I coworkers and Dave; the last human working here. (Co-Directed with Ennio Ruschetti) Cru: To succeed in th…

Human Resources of Ugago: Welcome to Ugago! An office designed to inspire innovation and a sense of community where you will meet motivated A.I coworkers and Dave; the last human working here. (Co-Directed with Ennio Ruschetti)

Cru: To succeed in the world of haute cuisine you need more than creativity. A young chef must learn that in this kitchen a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into making every dish.

Tote Tiere - Dead Animals: With a heavy heart a man brings his dead cat to the animal carcass disposal. When a mysterious taxidermist gives him her business card he is intrigued to find out if the death of his pet might be just the beginning. (Co-Written with Remo Rickenbacher & Nolundi Tschudi)

Making of a Pilot: CHICO - die 1. ZHdK Serie

Pilot abgedreht -  Die erste rund 30-minütige Folge von CHICO (AT) wurde innerhalb von 5 Tagen in der Region Zürich gedreht und wird voraussichtlich Ende 2017 fertiggestellt. 

Im Writer's Room unter der Leitung der Filmemacherin Sabine Boss und Drehbuchautorin Katja Früh wurde eine komplette Serie an der ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste)  für sechs Episoden von den Autoren Kenneth Gilomen, Jelena Pavlovic, Valentin Huber, Daniel Loepfe, Noah Frey und mir in der Position des Headwriters entwickelt und danach verfilmt.

Leider blieb es bei der Pilot-Folge von “Chico” - Interessierte dürfen mich gerne anfragen.

CHICO (AT) - der planlose Student Alex dreht in einem edlen Café am Paradeplatz durch Zufall den Silberlöffel um und gibt sich unwissentlich als Liebhaber für ältere Damen zu erkennen. Als er auf die verblassende Goldküstenschönheit Milva trifft, be…

CHICO (AT) - der planlose Student Alex dreht in einem edlen Café am Paradeplatz durch Zufall den Silberlöffel um und gibt sich unwissentlich als Liebhaber für ältere Damen zu erkennen. Als er auf die verblassende Goldküstenschönheit Milva trifft, beschliessen die zwei als Team ein modernes Callboy-Business für gelangweilte Studenten zu gründen.

Dramatic Comedy mit Charlotte Heinimann und Florian Butsch.