
Welcome to Ugago! An office designed to inspire innovation and a sense of community where you will meet motivated A.I coworkers and Dave; the last human working here.

Director's Notes

For us art students, collaborative work, open spaces, team building, as you might know them from well-known companies in the Sillicon Valley, are not so far away. How does the individual survive to work creatively in a huge team? Is there even room in modern society for a regular relationship with your work? The fear of everything being streamlined. A.I isn’t on the rise. It’s already here. One quickly develops an anti attitude towards such projects, but is it really them or are you the problem?

We have traced this thoughts in A.I space. The result is a sci-fi comedy with dramatic undertones.



(A selection)

Warsaw International Film Festival 2019 (PL, World Premiere)

Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival 2019 (US-Premiere)

Cinequest Film & VR Festival 2020 (US, Silicon Valley)

Hollyshorts Festival 2021 (US, Los Angeles) “Best VFX” - Nomination

Students from the Zurich University of the Arts departments of Film, Contemporary Dance, Game Design, Interaction Design, Sound Engineering and Composition joined together with students studying Animation at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

They all realized individual projects using the Motion Capture technique. Their projects were linked together in a common story world.

The narrative fictional film was developed by the creative team behind DAS ALTE LAGER.


Producer Zurich University of the Arts, Filippo Bonacci

Director, Screenplay Ennio Ruschetti | David Oesch
Cinematography Tobias Kubli
Executive Producer Valentin Huber
Lead-Animation Robin Disch
Production Design Aurelia Buchli
Editor Norbert Kottmann | Hae-Sup Sin
Music Cédric-Joël Ziegler

Sebastian Krähenbühl
Frank Denise Hasler
Franks Voice Alex Freeman

Crew-Video: Impressions from the shoot. What an amazing team!